Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Volunteers Accepted!

Greetings, Region 2 NACADA members!
I am confident in knowing that you all are in full swing at your respective institutions and I hope the semester/quarter is going well. We, the Region 2 Conference Planning Committee, are working diligently to make this an outstanding conference for all and would like to remind you of the opportunity to volunteer. If you will be in attendance at the conference (Charlottesville, VA--April 6-8) and are interested in volunteering in any capacity, please complete the form below.

I look forward to your support in making this a successful conference.

Sherese Parker
Region 2 Conference Planning Committee
Volunteer Coordinator

1 comment:

  1. Hello Region 2!
    I have been going over the "long" list of volunteers (2 names to be exact) that have submitted their information via this form. I know we have a plethora of individuals that would love to volunteer their time, talents and treasured expertise because you have emailed me personally. :) So, please fill out the requested information, via the online format, and we will be contacting you, again, shortly.
    I look forward to seeing and working with you all soon!
