Tuesday, April 5, 2011

I Stream, You Stream, We All Stream for...well, you get the pitcure

We’re really excited about the conference kicking off in two days, but even more so about the fact that we’ve managed to set up a few of the sessions to stream live to the internet for those of you who couldn’t secure the resources to come join us. So, between Noon on 4:00 on Wednesday, 8:30 and 5:30 on Thursday and 9:00 and noon on Friday, well be streaming sessions at this address:

Here’s the Schedule of Streaming Sessions

1:00 to 5:00: Applied Technology in Academic Advising.
This four hour pre-conference session will feature a significant amount time for hands on development, encouraging participants to actually set up profiles on the platforms discussed during the session

8:30 to 9:30: Podcasting: What’s Old Can Be New Again
This one is going to feature a lot of talk about screencasting—a really good way to situation training and workshops in online environments. Again, there will be hands on “applied time” for participants

9:45 to 10:45: Beyond Soft Skills: Arts Advising for the 21st Century
In this session, the presenter will discuss the transferrable skills students acquire in the course of performing and visual arts programs. The main take away being that applicability and practicality are not words typically associated with visual and performing arts majors—the presenter hopes to be able to change that

11:00 to 12:00: Your Own Open Road: VCU’s Discovery Advising Program For Undeclared and exploratory Students.
This session will be a “soup to nuts” tour through an advising program for undeclared/exploratory students. This particular program has had great success improving persistence and academic success rates of their advising population.

12:30 to 2:00: Luncheon Keynote Address
We have lots to take care of during the lunch plenary session, but the main show will be Peter Hagen’s Keynote Address. Peter has outdone himself on this one—check out a preview of it here: http://nacadaregion2.blogspot.com/2011/03/preview-of-keynote.html

2:30 to 3:30: How Can Faculty Advisors to Undeclared Majors Use Facebook, Youtube, Banner, and Other Popular Computer Communication Applications to Improve Retention Rates of Undeclared Students
This roundtable discussion will focus on popular topics of engagement and information delivery through the use of computer-mediated communication and online social networking sites.

3:45 to 4:45: Applied technology, Day 1 wrap up
The presenters of the Applied technology pre-conference workshop will host a follow up discussion in an “un session” format. The purpose of this will be to collect ideas and philosophies discovered ion other sessions throughout the day to assess applicability in your own advising model. This session will include hands on “applied time” as well.

9:15 to 10:15: A Tale of two Approaches: Major Exploration with Individuals and Groups
This session will look at the results of this institution’s major exploration programming for both individual advisees and group advising sessions.

10:30 to 11:30: Applied Technology—moving forward
In this final streamed session, the folks from the technology pre-con are back to help attendees collect their thoughts and make plans to bring programming back to their home campuses. This session will conclude the conference-long theme on applied technology in advising and will again feature hands on “applied time” in addition to questions, comments, and observation time.

As Allen mentioned in yesterday's post, we're hoping to get some twitter "back channel" action happening and will be pushing tweets from the streamed sessions. So those of you who are twitter savvy, remember to use the #nacadaR2 hashtag.

We hope that even if you can’t make it all the way to Charlottesville, you can make it into our online environment to benefit from some of the streamed content.

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